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What food does Blue Dogwood already have in the market?
Check out our Current Vendors and Vendor Exclusives. Blue Dogwood has a vendor that is similar to my business! Can I also be a vendor? Because we want diverse offerings, we do our best to put in non-competing businesses. It is up to the discretion of management if you are competition for an existing tenant. What type of food vendors does Blue Dogwood seek to fill the market? We aim to have a good mix of vendors who retail:
I've heard that Blue Dogwood focuses on "local." What does that mean? Blue Dogwood is focused on local and regional sourcing. Vendor products must be produced locally or regionally, with the exception of a few products for sale that are recommended or used by the vendor. Our goal is for 95%+ of the products sold at the market to be produced in North Carolina or the Southeast region. I want to sell a product at the market, but I don't want to rent space. Will you sell my products for me? Most vendors sell related products for other local businesses. Please contact us. I am a grower who sells flowers. Will you accept me? We would like to have a small offering of products that aren't necessary food, but fit in the community. Fresh flowers would be great! I want to apply to be a Permanent Vendor, but Blue Dogwood's permanent space is full! What should I do? We expect turnover as businesses grow and move out because they need more space. This is wonderful - we love to see our small businesses do well! Please contact us. I have an idea for a great new food business or product. What should I do? We always accept applications for Pop-up Vendors who want to try new ideas. We suggest that you pop up before committing to anything more permanent. How much does it cost to rent a vendor stall? Stalls average $450 to $800 per month with a 1-year lease (renewable by mutual agreement). Price depends on the size of the stall, location, and the type of stall. Pop-up prices also vary, and you must sign a short-term agreement. What do stalls look like? Permanent Vendors has its own stall to store its own equipment, to customize with unique features, and to design and brand in its own way. Vendor stalls are open and varied, and layout is up to the vendor (with management’s approval). In addition to retail space, what do Permanent Vendors get? Blue Dogwood has considerable resources available for vendors.